“An ear that listens can be medicine for a heart that gets hurt.”
Our nervous system is wired to grow and change, we sometimes just need a safe and compassionate space to process pain, learn new ways of relating, accept challenges, process trauma and become who we want to be.
Talking to someone who listens to us makes us feel good. It’s nice to be heard and to have someone who cares about us. We all need someone who knows what they are doing to help us navigate our emotional journey.
This is where a professional counselor would be able to provide us with the emotional support we need. Just search online ‘counseling near me’ and connect.
A professional counselor provides us with extra support and an outside perspective.
Whether it’s dealing with a loved one’s passing, a divorce, a natural disaster, school stress, or a job loss, counseling can help people overcome anxiety and depression and lead a healthier and more fulfilling life.
When should we consider and search for counseling near me?
We consider a time to see a counselor when something causes distress and interferes with some part of life, particularly when:
- Thinking about or coping with the issue takes up at least an hour each day
- The issue causes embarrassment or makes us want to avoid others
- The issue has caused our quality of life to decrease
- The issue has negatively affected school, work, or relationships
- We’ve made changes in our life or developed habits to cope with the issue

What are the benefits to seeking counseling?
Counseling can be rewarding. It’s a safe, judgment-free space where we can share anything, with a trained professional who is there to help. We not only look for counseling near me when we are in challenging situations, we go to counseling:
- To take care of ourselves
- To break patterns
- To discover new ways of behaving
- To heal from trauma, no matter what type of trauma we’ve been through
Anyone can benefit from counseling, even if we think you have nothing to say or unravel.
Even if we aren’t sure we want to commit to counseling, Hope and Healing recommends just taking an appointment of 15 minutes. Based on your symptoms, they might encourage us to get help.
Begin your search for counseling near me today and connect with Hope and Healing.