Welcome! We are here to help you with anxiety, anxiety medication, therapy, counseling as well as trauma therapy, and toxic relationship therapy. Join us in a journey of hope, healing, and transformation. Choose Hope & Healing Counseling as a way of life!

Have you ever experienced a racing heart, sweaty palms, or a whirlwind of worries in your mind? To avoid feeling overwhelmed, you may have even started to avoid certain tasks that make you feel this way.

When our brains and bodies are in a state of survival, we become very focused on solving the problem and removing it from our lives. Anything that isn’t directly related to solving this problem gets pushed aside. Enjoyment, creativity, spontaneous life, relationships, connection, care, everything that makes life fun gets pushed aside.

Sometimes, our anxiety can get in the way and make it impossible for us to follow through on commitments.

Our in house Anxiety Therapist is well-versed in how stress triggers the body’s natural “fight or flight” response. 

Is anxiety medication the best way to deal with it?

  1. The best way to avoid anxiety is to have a solid self-care plan. Everyone’s self-care plan will look different and it may include eating healthy, exercise and unplug time (where you can disengage from the grind and relax.)
  2. What are activities that you can do that fill up your bucket? Make sure you are engaging in these activities regularly.
  3. Develop a Treatment Plan – Each person’s experience with anxiety is unique, and therefore, so is their treatment plan. In individual therapy, individuals work with a therapist to develop a personalized treatment plan that addresses their needs and goals. This may include anxiety medications – It’s the use of prescribed medications to alleviate and improve symptoms of anxiety. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) are currently the medications of choice for the treatment of childhood and adult anxiety disorders.

      Both anxiety medication and therapy have been shown to be effective in treating anxiety disorders.

      At Hope and Healing you will receive a comprehensive assessment and an individualized treatment plan. To treat anxiety disorders, our providers may use one or a combination of treatment approaches.